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I Scared the Divine Lord as I handed over the Ancient Immortal Pill
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Tipe Manhua

I Scared the Divine Lord as I handed over the Ancient Immortal Pill

Judul Alternatif Kaiju Shang Jiao Taigu Xian Yao, Wo Xia Huai Sheng Zhu

Sinopsis I Scared the Divine Lord as I handed over the Ancient Immortal Pill

Ceritanya MC Pindah Ke Dunia Murim Gegara Tangan Kena Piso Dikit gak Ngaruh trs Ndak Sengaja Darah Di Tangannya Ke Sentuh Sama Giok, Eh Pas Dia kepindah dia Bawa Barang Dari Dunia Awal pas nyampe barangnya berubah njir jadi OP

Dirilis 2023
Penulis Cat March Culture
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Chapter I Scared the Divine Lord as I handed over the Ancient Immortal Pill

